304 North Cardinal
St. Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 7AM - 7PM
Weekend: 10AM - 5PM

AI panoramic video conference

(1 条用户评价)


Using multi-lens image acquisition + AI image stitching technology to achieve “immersive” audio and video conferencing 360 ° panoramic view of the whole field

8 silicon microphone array AI sound source collection and calculations to achieve “immersive” audio and video conference sound source positioning and focus on the protagonist



Beyond Sense & AI

4K “immersive” AI panoramic video conference terminal

AI panorama makes our remote interactions like immersive experience

Panoramic view

AI stitching of multi-view images

 Distortion correction

Silicon microphone array

Sound source localization


AI panoramic video conference 有 1 个评价

  1. Homi

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