304 North Cardinal
St. Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 7AM - 7PM
Weekend: 10AM - 5PM

About Us

4K “immersive” AI panoramic video conference terminal

A 4K “immersive” AI panoramic video conference terminal refers to a video conferencing system that is capable of providing high-quality video and audio communication between participants in different locations. The system utilizes a 4K camera that captures a panoramic view of the meeting space and AI algorithms to enhance the audio and video quality.

The 4K camera is capable of capturing a wide field of view, which provides a more natural and immersive experience for participants. The camera can also track the movement of people in the room, allowing it to focus on the person speaking at any given time.

The AI algorithms used in the system can enhance the audio and video quality by reducing background noise, adjusting the lighting, and improving the clarity of speech. This helps to ensure that all participants can clearly hear and see each other, even in noisy or poorly lit environments.

Overall, a 4K “immersive” AI panoramic video conference terminal can provide a more engaging and productive video conferencing experience, making it a valuable tool for businesses, educational institutions, and other organizations that rely on remote communication.

Regenerate response

Our Story

Beyond Sense & AI

AI panorama makes our remote interactions like immersive experience

Meet our Team

We are passionate about design

Sandy Bian

Senior Designer

Debby Dong


Eric Chen



Special for you

ØPanoramic view

ØAI stitching of multi-view images

ØDistortion correction

ØSilicon microphone array

ØSound source localization


Some feedback from our clients


Ethan Lucas

Ryan Lynch


Francesca Oliver